Dimensions of Quality for Work-Integrated Learning
(First offered in 2019)
Offered in May 2022
Provides practitioners with the opportunity to explore the concept of quality in a WIL context from the perspective of all stakeholders and to reflect on practice and identify improvements to the quality of WIL programs. Considers quality from the perspective of the student, educator, employer/host organisation, educator, institution and government.
Module description
This module explores the concept of quality in a WIL context. Participants will consider quality from the perspective of all stakeholders. The expected outcomes and benefits for each of the stakeholders will be discussed and important dimensions integral to quality WIL identified. Participants will reflect on their own practice and determine changes they might make to improve the quality of their WIL programs.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module, participants will be able to:
- Synthesise contemporary literature and identify features of national and institutional quality frameworks that relate to WIL.
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders including students, university staff, university executive leadership, government and industry /community partners in ensuring quality WIL outcomes.
- Justify ideas and insights through communication and collaboration with an international community of practice.
- Identify quality dimensions of WIL and how they inform curriculum design and teaching practice.
- Evaluate personal practice and identify interventions that improve quality outcomes for all stakeholders.
McRae, N., Pretti, J., & Church, D. (2018). Work-Integrated Learning quality framework, AAA. University of Waterloo. https://uwaterloo.ca/centre-advancement-co-operative-education/sites/ca.centre-advancement-co-operative-education/files/uploads/files/wil_quality_framework_-_aaa_-_for_posting.pdf
Participants will also identify other readings. Readings may be chosen from the extensive reference list in the McRae et al. reading.
During the module there will be an on-line webinar and other forms of communication. Each week the participants read and comment in the online discussion. Participants may find that one reading can cover the discussion for two or three weeks.
Week 1: Introduce self in an introductory webinar and with an introductory posting about self
Week 2: Read Quality white paper and comment on how this would fit within national and institutional context.
Week 3: Student as stakeholder; read an article and comment
Week 4: Employer/host organization as stakeholder; read an article and comment
Week 5: Educator as stakeholder; read an article and comment
Week 6: Institution as stakeholder; read an article and comment
Week 7: Government as stakeholder; read an article and comment (This could include national quality assurance frameworks)
Week 8: Present a webinar identifying one area of quality the participant would like to consider and present in terms of: Aims, Actions and Achievements as per the framework. Post a final concluding reflection on the module learning.
Participation time:
Expected total participation time approximately 15 – 20 hours – including preparation and participation in online tasks/activities.
Certificate of completion:
On completion of the module, participants will receive a Certificate of Completion. This will be awarded to participants who complete all the required tasks/activities.
Module plan
Wk beg | Aim of activity | Online activity by participants |
May 2 | Introductions: Getting to know other participants & familiarization | Online introductions to discuss the complexities of quality in a WIL context and outline module activities. Visit the online portal to become familiar with the platform and post an introduction. Register for the first webinar. |
May 9 | Quality white paper and comment on how this would fit within national and institutional context | Read McRae et al. and comment on how this fits within your national and institutional context. Post a comment online and respond to comments of other participants. Post comments online and respond to comments of other participants. Attend Webinar One. |
May 16 | Student as stakeholder | Select an appropriate reading of your choice and comment on quality from a student’s perspective. What are the quality dimensions of WIL relevant to the student experience? Post comments online and respond to comments of other participants. Book in for the second webinar. |
May 23 | Employer/host organization as stakeholder | Select an appropriate reading and comment on quality from an employer’s/host organisation’s perspective. What are the quality dimensions of WIL relevant to industry/community stakeholders? Post comments online and respond to comments of other participants. Book in for the second webinar. |
May 30 | Educator as stakeholder | Select an appropriate reading and comment on quality from an educator’s perspective. What are the quality dimensions of WIL relevant to the educator? Highlight the challenges faced by educators in ensuring quality in a WIL context. Discuss your reading on quality form an educator perspective at the second webinar. |
June 6 | Institution as stakeholder | Select an appropriate reading and comment on quality from an institutional perspective. What are the quality dimensions of WIL determined by institutional policies and procedures? How can an institution support quality practices in WIL? Post comments online and respond to comments of other participants. |
June 13 | Government as stakeholder | Select an appropriate reading and comment on quality from government’s perspective. How do regulatory bodies design and implement quality standards in WIL? How are the standards monitored and practiced? Post comments online and respond to comments of other participants. |
June 20 | Webinar and module conclusion | Present at the final webinar: Identify one area of quality that interests you. Consider the quality dimension and how you will embed it in your own practice. What changes will you make to your current practice? Outline your aims, actions and achievements as per the Framework. Post a final reflection online. |