What happens next for May -June 2002 modules?

The current modules commence on May 2, 2022 and conclude on June 29, 2022.
You can remind yourself of timing and module details, including learning outcomes and activities at

Accessing University of Waterloo’s LEARN system

  1. The module is hosted on the University of Waterloo’s LEARN system and we will create an account for you so you can access the LEARN system**.
  2. You’ll receive an email from watiam@uwaterloo.ca with instructions on how to enable a UWaterloo ID. The invitation will expire in 3 days from the time you receive it, after which it will not be possible to create an account for you to participate in the course.
  3. It takes a few days after you have created your account to get enrolled in your module in LEARN. You will have access to the module a few days before the module starts. You will receive an email on enrolment. Expect this towards late April.
  4. **If you have previously enrolled in LEARN for a Global WIL module, your login will be reactivated automatically.
  5. If you have any questions re Waterloo processes, contact Shay Ivkovic at sivkovic@uwaterloo.ca

Fees and payment

Payment is required prior to commencing the module on May 2, 2022.

NZD $200  – Members of the four National Association

  • Australian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN)
  • Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada CEWIL (formerly CAFCE)
  • Work-Integrated Learning New Zealand WILNZ (formerly NZACE)
  • The Vilar Network (Sweden)

NZD $225 – Full Institutional Members of WACE and Global Partners of WACE
NZD $250 – Non-members

Payment can be made here using PayPal and your credit card (You don’t need a PayPal account).


No longer able?
If you are no longer able to take part, please advise ASAP