May-June 2022 modules
Offered May 2 – June 29, 2022
Applications for these two modules has now closed.
Allocations and invitations have now been sent.

Dimensions of Quality for Work-Integrated Learning
(First offered in 2019)
Provides practitioners with the opportunity to explore the concept of quality in a WIL context from the perspective of all stakeholders and to reflect on practice and identify improvements to the quality of WIL programs. Considers quality from the perspective of the student, educator, employer/host organisation, educator, institution and government.

Student Engagement
(First offered in 2021)
Engaged and motivated students are fundamental to successful outcomes from WIL learning experiences. This module explores students’ behavioural, emotional and intellectual connection to their learning. The dynamic nature of student engagement, and the impact of the educational interface and students’ personal characteristics on student engagement will be discussed.
Cost, completion and certificate
As at January 2022
- All modules contain a strong emphasis on application of academic WIL literature to practice.
- Modules are presented in English through online study – approx 20 hour’s preparation and participation.
- Administration and set-up charge: The following fees in New Zealand dollars apply for the 2022 modules.
NZD $200 – Members of the four National Association members: Australian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN), Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada CEWIL, Work-Integrated Learning New Zealand WILNZ, The Vilar Network (Sweden)
NZD $225 – Full Institutional Members of WACE and Global Partners of WACE
NZD $250 – Non-members
The fee is payable on acceptance for a module after registration.
- A certificate is issued those people who complete the module.
Questions? Please use our contact form.